In a decision dated 20 July 2017 (n°16VE00301), the Versailles Administrative Court of Appeal recognised that a company was entitled to assess the basis for computation of the technical loss
In a decision dated 20 July 2017 (n°16VE00301), the Versailles Administrative Court of Appeal recognised that a company was entitled to assess the basis for computation of the technical loss
The Paris Administrative Court considers, by its settled and recently reiterated case law (CAA Paris 16-2-2017 no. 15PA01239, Sté Vanves Solferino) that an assessment notice sent to a French translucent
In a decision dated 28 July 2017 (CE n°411269), the French Supreme Court ruled not to refer to the French Constitutional Council the priority constitutionality question (“QPC”) brought by Société
Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, intents to turn the actual wealth tax system into a “tax on real estate annuity” as stated. Real estate is indeed taking over an
In a case dated 18 April 2017, the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris reminded that, for the purposes of the annual tax on offices, commercial and storage premises provided
In the field of individual taxation, the new Finance law for 2017 introduces, with effect as from 1 January 2018, a withholding tax mechanism in France for the taxation of
French real estate capital gains realised by non-residents are subject to a withholding tax of 33.1/3% subsequently creditable against French CIT. With the new Finance Act for 2017, however, the
A new method for assessing the rental value of real estate assets as tax basis for property tax and contribution on business property has entered into force as from 1
In a decision of 15 November 2016 (n°16VE00721), the Administrative Court of Versailles recognised that a company electing for the SIIC regime (French “REIT” regime applicable to listed property investment
In the framework of the fight against the housing crisis, article 210 F of the French tax code provided for a favourable tax regime under which the net capital gain