The French tax administration (FTA) has just published on the impôt.gouv website the useful documents relating to the procedures for declaring the registers kept by payment service providers for the
The French tax administration (FTA) has just published on the impôt.gouv website the useful documents relating to the procedures for declaring the registers kept by payment service providers for the
This article was first published on Tax@Hand, and is reproduced on this blog with the authorization of its authors. The French occupancy tax (taxe d’habitation) was abolished for primary residences
The French tax authorities updated their official guidelines on 29 December 2021 concerning services supplied between a head-office and a branch. These changes are intended to take into account the
Executive Decree No 21-145 of April 17th, 2021 setting out the list of activities of a strategic nature has been published in the Official Gazette No 30 of April 22nd,
Since April 22nd, the one stop shop – OSS, in its new version, has been opened for subscription. The one-stop shop system enables to report VAT due within the European Union
As of today, in France, e-invoicing is compulsory in the frame of B2G transactions only. In this respect, the companies must set-up or post their e-invoices in the Chorus portal.
In a decision dated November 4, 2020 (no. 435295, “BNP Paribas Securities Services”), the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat) has applied for the first time the “Skandia” case law
In the context of the current COVID19 economic crisis, the improvement of the cash position of the operating companies becomes a critical need. The 2021 draft French finance bill includes
Please find below the main tax measures of the 2021 Draft French Finance Bill released on 28 September 2020. French Parliamentary discussions on the Bill should begin on 12 October
In the context of the current sanitary crisis, the second Amending Finance Act for 2020 has introduced a series of measures into French tax law, one of which allows landlords