Lapeyre, Wolters Kluwer, Xerox, … The last two years have been marked by a new type of dispute, characterized by the incursion of the civil judge in the determination of
Lapeyre, Wolters Kluwer, Xerox, … The last two years have been marked by a new type of dispute, characterized by the incursion of the civil judge in the determination of
In order to benefit from the presumption of transfer of profits attached to article 57 of the French Tax Code (“FTC”), authorities must produce a double proof: Evidence of a
The Supreme Court recalls the solution held by the CJEU in the EDM case (April 29, 2004; aff.C-77/01) according to which the annual grant by a holding company of remunerated
The Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris reminds that a permanent establishment may only be qualified, notwithstanding the main criteria of the head office, as the place of supply of
On 21 December 2017, the French parliament adopted the second amended finance bill for 2017 and the finance bill for 2018. These finance laws—the first of President Macron—are intended to
The French tax administration has officially indicated this morning that subsidiaries and PEs in France of foreign MNEs, including US groups, do not have to file a CbCR in France
On 2 November 2017, the French government presented to parliament an amended finance bill for 2017 that would introduce an exceptional one-time surtax on corporate income tax due from very
The publication of an FAQ by the French Administration answers some of the various questions asked by businesses following the simplification of this provision, now limited to cash-register software. In
In a decision dated 20 July 2017 (n°16VE00301), the Versailles Administrative Court of Appeal recognised that a company was entitled to assess the basis for computation of the technical loss
Middle-market companies and SMEs have until November 3, to fill in the transfer pricing form following the lowering of the applicable threshold to €50 million. The applicable threshold for the