For the second year consecutively, the Finance Act has reduced the base of eligible expenses for the CIR. Elimination of the doubling of the base for public research as of
For the second year consecutively, the Finance Act has reduced the base of eligible expenses for the CIR. Elimination of the doubling of the base for public research as of
The Research Tax Credit 2020 Guide has just been published on the website of the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI). This release follows a May 2020
The “Farm to Fork” strategy is one of the 8 areas published by the European Commission, as part of the Horizon 2020 Green Deal call. This strategy emphases on enabling
Please find below the main tax measures of the 2021 Draft French Finance Bill released on 28 September 2020. French Parliamentary discussions on the Bill should begin on 12 October
On September 18, the European Commission announced 1 billion euros distributed as part of the Green Deal calls for projects, which companies can respond to by January 26, 2021. The
As a reminder, the amounts received by private accredited research organizations as a result of the transactions eligible for the RTC are deducted from the basis of their tax credit
In its landmark caselaw, the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat) rejects the position of the tax administration and validates the eligibility of ancillary tasks necessary to achieve research works.
As part of Europe’s green recovery, the European Commission invests 1 billion euros in innovative clean technology projects Led by the European Commission since the end of 2019, the “Green
By a 2017 ruling, the French State Council stated that the expenses of seconded staff carrying out research operations in the company premises and with its resources could be eligible
Read more about this: Research Tax Credit (RTC) claimed by a certified company: towards a broad appreciation of the amounts to be deducted The Administrative Court of Appeal of Versailles,