European VAT

Temporary application of a generalised reverse-charge mechanism in relation to supplies of goods and services above a certain threshold

This proposal aims at authorizing Member States to implement, for a limited period of time, a generalized reverse-charge mech-anism which would derogate from one of the VAT Directive general principles,

Fixed establishment (“supplier”)

A company established in the UK operated services on mobile and Internet networks by resorting exclusively to services from French operators and server centres in order to carry out its

VAT Expert Group (VEG) – September 2016 Report

The VEG submitted a report as part of the implementation of the definitive VAT system. The main subjects tackled in this report are the following: The establishment of a common

Retrospective effect of a corrected invoice

Does the correction of an invoice have a retrospective effect? In dealing with this question, the ECJ held that the correction of a men-tion on an invoice does have a

Reverse-charge mechanism for import VAT in France

Following the publication on the Economie Bleue law, it is possible to elect to account for VAT under the reverse-charge mechanism by way of simple option, from 22, June 2016,