The Finance Act for 2025 should be enacted and published in the Official Journal in the coming days. Among other measures, it provides for the establishment of a Differential Contribution

Differential Contribution on High Income
Brexit FAQs updated
This article was first published on Tax@Hand, and is reproduced on this blog with the authorization of its authors. The French Tax Authorities (FTA) updated on 14 January 2022 their FAQs (in
Interests of bonds convertible into shares and VAT prorata
The Supreme Court recalls the solution held by the CJEU in the EDM case (April 29, 2004; aff.C-77/01) according to which the annual grant by a holding company of remunerated
Permanent establishment – Intragroup supply of services
The Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris reminds that a permanent establishment may only be qualified, notwithstanding the main criteria of the head office, as the place of supply of
Exempt Intra-Community supplies and chain transactions
Further to a preliminary query, the CJEU considered that in the case of two successive sales with a single intra-Community transport carried out by the final purchaser, the second transfer
VAT refund claim: in which circumstances a VAT credit denied by the FTA may be carried-forward on a further return?
In 2007, a company applied for a VAT refund claim. Further to a tax audit, the FTA rejected this claim in 2008. The company did not challenge this decision and
Digitalization of paper invoices in France
Up to January 1st, 2017, the ingoing « paper » invoices had to be kept and stored only in their original format (i.e. paper) in order to support the input
Proposals for Directives amending the rules on the fixing of rates and those applicable to small enterprises
On January 18th, 2018, the Commission proposed two directives aimed at giving Member States more flexibility in setting VAT rates and simplifying the rules for small businesses. With regard to
Adoption of Commission’s proposals by the Council
On December 5th, 2017, the Council adopted the Commission’s proposals. The new rules, which will enter into force gradually by 2021, aim to simplify VAT rules and prevent fraud. Thus,
A new decision of the EUCJ concerning complex supplies
With this judgment, the EUCJ confirms its long-standing case law on complex services. In the present case, the price paid by the customer for the visit of the Ajax Amsterdam