Version originale via de Tax@Hand On 24 September 2020, the French Tax Authority published the tax form needed to declare manual gifts (Cerfa n° 2035) and, notably, cash gifts up
Gifts up to EUR 100,000 temporarily exempted from tax
Significant changes to french trust reporting obligations
In 2019, significant changes occurred regarding French trust reporting obligations. By way of update, a decree of application regarding the scope of French trust reporting has been published on June
Digital taxation: towards a European taxation?
On March 21st 2018, the European Commission published two draft directives related to digital taxation. Since the European summit in Tallinn last September, Member States have been searching the best
CbCR: situation of French subsidiaries of foreign entity residing in a state that does not apply the automatic exchange of information
Under OECD recommendations, jurisdictions should require, in a timely manner, the filing of Country-by-Country declarations by the ultimate parent companies of MNE group resident in their countries and exchange this
The Transfer Pricing documentation obligation in France now (almost totally) complies with BEPS recommendations
In order to comply with OECD standards established in Action 13 of the BEPS project, the article 107 of the Finance law for 2018 updates the content of the transfer
Case law WB Ambassador: storm warning on intra-group loans?
In its decision of July 7, 2017 (TA Paris, 7 July 2017, n°1607683, WB Ambassador), the TA of Paris retains a strict assessment of the provisions of article 212-I of
The documentary obligation in France (globally) complies with BEPS recommendations
OECD recommendations on transfer pricing documentation were made public in the Action 13 report in November 2015. These recommendations are intended to clarify the information and level of detail to
CbC Reporting: Situation of French Subsidiaries of American Groups
The French tax administration has officially indicated this morning that subsidiaries and PEs in France of foreign MNEs, including US groups, do not have to file a CbCR in France

The Future of Transfer Pricing – Focus on France
This article was first published in Les Cahiers de l’IFA, volume 102, The future of transfer pricing, July 2017 Download the original version of this article This article
CbCR : French Tax Authorities releases the tax form
On 2 February 2017, the French tax authorities released the form 2258-SD that must be used for purposes of filing the country-by-country (CbC) report by groups falling within the scope