The reimbursement of the RTC has to be requested by the parent company

Within a tax consolidated group, the parent company is the only one entitled to deduce research tax credits received by its subsidiaries on the corporate income tax computed on the benefit of the tax consolidated group. As a result, the parent company is the only one entitled to ask for the reimbursement of the RTC. This decision has been confirmed by two case law, one released by the French administrative Supreme Court in May 2017, the other released by the Versailles administrative court of appeal in July 2017.

Lucille Chabanel

Lucille has more than 14 years’ experience in tax law. She is a member of the corporate tax department since 2002 and joined the R&D group in 2004. She has […]

Annabelle Caron

With a background in political sciences and finance, Annabelle is specialised in Research Tax Credit in France and abroad, in the GI3 practice in Paris.