Review of the administrative doctrine on the RTC and the ITC – Episode 1 : News on eligible staff costs

We published a preview of the main issues affected by the revision of the administrative doctrine on 13 July 2021. In this first summary article, to be followed by a few other episodes, you’ll find the important points concerning eligible personnel expenses (BOI-BIC-RICI-10-20-20).

Inclusion of temporary workers

It is interesting to note that a previous version of the MENESR Guide (2012) considered that it was possible to include temporary workers in the RTC base.

So far, the tax administration had not made a positive ruling on the subject despite the 2017 Intuigo decision of the State Council which had ruled that personnel expenses eligible for the RTC could not be reduced to expenses for employed personnel only.

The new version of the administrative doctrine now states that the remuneration and social charges of temporary workers whose activity is directly and exclusively assigned to R&D operations should be included in the RTC calculation.


In practice, only the remuneration and social charges of these employees should be taken into account; indirect costs (personnel management costs, general administration costs) should be excluded from the eligible expenditure base.


Eligible remuneration: Inclusion of the exceptional and temporary contribution (ETC)

The previous administrative doctrine listed the Exceptional and Temporary Contribution (ETC) as one of the payments to be excluded from the eligible remuneration for the RTC (BOI-BIC-RICI-10-20-20, 5 December 2018, n°320).

As a consequence of the decision of the State Council (CE, 19/05/2021, n°432370, Publicis Groupe) according to which the ETC must be included in the base of eligible remunerations within the meaning of the RTC, the administration removes the Exceptional and Temporary Contribution paid to the AGIRC from its list of contributions excluded from the base of the RTC.


Point d’attention : la décision du Conseil d’Etat visait la CET avant fusion des régimes AGIRC-ARRCO. Nous pensons néanmoins qu’elle est transposable à la nouvelle CET.


Exclusion des personnels de soutien : un élargissement des activités exclues

 L’administration considère que les personnels de soutien ne sont pas éligibles au CIR, et que les dépenses relatives à ces personnels sont incluses dans l’assiette du CIR via les dépenses de fonctionnement, calculées de manière forfaitaire.

L’ancienne version de la doctrine mentionnait comme personnel de soutien à exclure de l’assiette du CIR le personnel affecté au secrétariat, à la dactylographie, au nettoiement des locaux de l’entreprise et à l’entretien matériel des équipements.

La nouvelle version de la doctrine administrative étoffe les exemples d’activités de soutien à exclure, avec les activités administratives, de direction, juridiques et réglementaires, commerciales, de transport, d’entreposage, d’entretien et de maintenance, de sécurité et de qualité.


Il faut cependant rappeler qu’indépendamment du  diplôme ou de la qualification, les rémunérations des personnes qui réalisent des opérations nécessaires aux travaux de R&D éligibles sous la conduite de chercheurs qui les supervisent sont éligibles au CIR (CE, 24/02/2021, n°429222, Sté Nurun commenté plus en détail ici).

Cela peut parfois être le cas pour des personnel d’entretien des équipements de R&D par exemple (CAA Lyon, 1/06/2006, n° 02-1282, SA Agintis).



Lucille Chabanel

Lucille has more than 14 years’ experience in tax law. She is a member of the corporate tax department since 2002 and joined the R&D group in 2004. She has […]

Béatrice Prim

Beatrice, a Director who has been attached to the research and development team since 2010, advises her clients on CIR (security, defence during tax audits) and coordinates missions on European […]