Further to a question of the French organization MEDEF (representing French businesses) about the consequences of sending scanned paper invoices by e-mail during the health emergency period, the French tax
Further to a question of the French organization MEDEF (representing French businesses) about the consequences of sending scanned paper invoices by e-mail during the health emergency period, the French tax
At the beginning of each year, Chinese Customs launch an annual tax policy survey, which aims to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of import and export policy, to collect
A decree of March 24, 2020 completes the new obligations laying on the logistic warehouses operators introduced by the Finance Act for 2020 and in force since January 1st, 2020.
The French tax administration published on 23 March 2020 its official guidelines relating to the new several liability procedure to the payment of VAT, for online platform operators. A public
In a press release dated March 22, 2020, the French Ministry announced an accelerated reimbursement of VAT refund claims in order to help businesses during this difficult period. This acceleration
The French customs administration issued new guidelines on 3 March 2020 that amend the administration’s position regarding exports from France by non-EU companies. The new rules will become effective on
IMPLEMENTING REGULATION OF THE COMMISSION (EU) 2020/402 of March 14, 2020 submitting the export of certain products to the presentation of an export authorisation. Personal protective equipment is the first
In 2019, significant changes occurred regarding French trust reporting obligations. By way of update, a decree of application regarding the scope of French trust reporting has been published on June
This article was originally published in Le Quotidien du Tourisme on January 21, 2019. It is reproduced on our blog with the agreement of the publisher. VAT Tour operator margin