In order to eradicate VAT fraud relating to e-commerce, new place of taxation rules, simplified compliance, but also a new VAT payer status impacting online marketplaces will come into force
In order to eradicate VAT fraud relating to e-commerce, new place of taxation rules, simplified compliance, but also a new VAT payer status impacting online marketplaces will come into force
In a decision dated May 26, 2021 (n° 2021-908 QPC), the French Constitutional Council (i.e., “Conseil Constitutionnel”) ruled that the fine provided for in article 1737, I-3 of the FTC
The decree n°2021-507 dated April 27, 2021 (FROJ dated April 29) has just confirmed it: operators established outside the EU, neither established nor subject to VAT compliance obligations in France,
The French parliament adopted on 17 November 2020 the 2021 finance law. This article summarizes some of the law’s key provisions applicable to companies, some of which are the same
Directive 2008/9/CE – so called « 8th Directive » As per our information, regarding the VAT charged in 2020 to companies established in Great-Britain, the access to the refund portal
As of today, in France, e-invoicing is compulsory in the frame of B2G transactions only. In this respect, the companies must set-up or post their e-invoices in the Chorus portal.
The last update of the FAQ relating to the Brexit relays the final position from the DGFIP about the VAT obligations of the British companies not established in France but
In a decision dated November 4, 2020 (no. 435295, “BNP Paribas Securities Services”), the French Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat) has applied for the first time the “Skandia” case law
The 2021 Draft French Finance Bill released on 28 September 2020 introduces VAT Grouping provisions as well as a modification of the scope of the cost sharing exemption provided for
Please find below the main tax measures of the 2021 Draft French Finance Bill released on 28 September 2020. French Parliamentary discussions on the Bill should begin on 12 October