In this decision, the Nantes Administrative Court of Appeal opts for a strict vision of the VAT exemption applicable to activities performed by insurance intermediaries as provided for in article
In this decision, the Nantes Administrative Court of Appeal opts for a strict vision of the VAT exemption applicable to activities performed by insurance intermediaries as provided for in article
In these three jugdments, dated September 21st, 2017, the CJEU stated that the VAT exemption provided for in article 261 of the FTC could not apply to insurance and financial
This new case concerning the VAT exemption benefiting to certain groups providing services to their members deals with the German regulations which limit the benefit of the VAT exemption provided
The French branch of Morgan Stanley UK carried out two kinds of activities: banking and financial services to its local customers (for which it opted for VAT) and services to
This decision was particularly expected, given the conclusions issued during these last months by the Advocate General Mrs. Kokott (DNB BANKA C-326/15 and Aviva C-605/15) as well as by the
The conclusions of Mr. Wathelet in the case European Commission v. Federal Republic of Germany (C-616/15) are now available online. In this new case relating to the VAT exemption applicable
In a decision dated 29 March 2017, the French Conseil d’Etat referred the following preliminary questions to the CJEU: In the event that costs incurred by a branch established
The VAT exemption laid down in article 132-1-f) of the VAT Directive in favour of cost sharing will be discussed again on Wednesday 5 April 2017. Indeed, the Advocate General
On 15 March 2017, the Public Rapporteur (equivalent to the Advocate General before the CJEU) presented her conclusions in the “Morgan Stanley” case, pending in front of the French Conseil
In two opinions delivered on March 1st, 2017 (DNB BANKA C-326/15 and AVIVA C-605/15), the Advocate General KOKOTT considers that the insurance and financial sectors are not entitled to benefit