The experience of more than a year of public authority support to companies in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic shows that it is not easy for companies to ensure
The experience of more than a year of public authority support to companies in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic shows that it is not easy for companies to ensure
Overview Agreements between France with Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Luxembourg, respectively, have been extended through March 31st, 2020. The agreement with Italy has not yet been extended beyond December 31st,
Taxable persons established outside the European Union and which do not carry out VAT taxable transactions in France can claim for the refund of the VAT incurred in France, under
In the context of the current sanitary crisis, the second Amending Finance Act for 2020 has introduced a series of measures into French tax law, one of which allows landlords
The government is adjusting the VAT rules in order to try to limit the sale price of certain equipment and personal hygiene products essential in the fight against Covid-19 virus.
Further to a letter dated 2 April 2020 sent to the French organization MEDEF (representing French businesses), the French administration published practical solutions for the filing of the next VAT
Further to a question of the French organization MEDEF (representing French businesses) about the consequences of sending scanned paper invoices by e-mail during the health emergency period, the French tax
At the beginning of each year, Chinese Customs launch an annual tax policy survey, which aims to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of import and export policy, to collect
In a press release dated March 22, 2020, the French Ministry announced an accelerated reimbursement of VAT refund claims in order to help businesses during this difficult period. This acceleration
Coronavirus and social security coverage: Abolition of the waiting period for French expatriates returning to France between 1 March 2020 and 1 June 2020 as part of their affiliation to