In a press release dated March 22, 2020, the French Ministry announced an accelerated reimbursement of VAT refund claims in order to help businesses during this difficult period. This acceleration
In a press release dated March 22, 2020, the French Ministry announced an accelerated reimbursement of VAT refund claims in order to help businesses during this difficult period. This acceleration
In 2007, a company applied for a VAT refund claim. Further to a tax audit, the FTA rejected this claim in 2008. The company did not challenge this decision and
On 4 December 2017, the Administrative Supreme Court (Conseil d’Etat) issued a decision, concluding that the French tax authorities (FTA) may not reject a VAT refund claim submitted after 30
The Tribunal Administratif de Montreuil challenges the position of the Foreign Tax office (“DRESG”) consisting in rejecting VAT refund claims for late filing, by reference to the VAT due date rather
Société Computacenter (Administrative Court of Montreuil, 16 February 2016, n°1503203) The French tax authorities rejected a claim for a VAT refund filed by a company concerning invoices on which French