What is the change?
The French government has just launched the online portal that enables U.K. nationals residing in France or arriving in France before 31st of Dec. 2020 to apply for French residence permits. The period to complete the appropriate filing ends on 30 June 2021.
Who is affected?
All U.K. nationals and their family members living or arriving in France before December 31st, 2020.
Are considered as family members:
- the spouse of a British national
- the registered partner of a British national
- the unmarried partner of a British national
- the adult child of a British national
- the adult child of the spouse of a British national
- the father or mother of a British national
- the father or the mother of the spouse of a British national
- the other family member who, in the country of origin, is cared for by the British national, or is part of his household, or requires personal care for serious medical reasons
Who is not affected?
All U.K. nationals and their family members settling in France from January 1st, 2021.
Will be considered as family members:
- the spouse of a British national
- the registered partner of a British national
- the unmarried partner of a British national
- the adult child of a British national
- the adult child of the spouse of a British national
- the father or mother of a British national
- the father or the mother of the spouse of a British national
Please note that the relationship will need to be existing before January 1st, 2021.
Key Points:
- The online residence permit application will need to be completed by the 1st of July 2021 at the latest.
- From the 1st of Oct. 2021, it will be mandatory for U.K. nationals to hold a residence permit.
- British citizens and their family members, as mentioned above, can apply for a residence permit online. They will need to provide some documents, i.e. proof that they have settled prior Dec. 31st, 2020 and have secured their right to stay in France for more than 3 months as per the E.U. regulations.
- The online portal will allow the local administration to instruct their residence permit application and to invite the applicants to appear in person at the local administration for the necessary steps for the manufacturing of the residence permit (fingerprinting and ID photos).
- The online portal is available in French and English.
- The U.K. nationals and their family members not affected by the online portal, will need to submit their residence permits directly in person at the local administration. We expect to receive further information soon.
Link to the platform