In this decision, the Court clarifies that a “finance lease” (or “hire purchase”) agreement does not systematically entail the qualification as delivery of goods under article 14, paragraph b of
In this decision, the Court clarifies that a “finance lease” (or “hire purchase”) agreement does not systematically entail the qualification as delivery of goods under article 14, paragraph b of
In its decision, the court states that VAT charged on the intermediation expenses incurred by a seller as part of the sale of a building booked as a fixed asset
In these three jugdments, dated September 21st, 2017, the CJEU stated that the VAT exemption provided for in article 261 of the FTC could not apply to insurance and financial
In order to determine the property tax basis (“Taxe Foncière”), industrial real estate held by companies that are not subject to CIT under the standard regime (e.g. tax transparent SCIs)
In a decision dated 10 May 2017, the French Supreme Court ruled that in case of construction operations, reconstruction or building expansion, the Local Equipment Tax (TLE now replaced with
In a decision dated 20 July 2017 (n°16VE00301), the Versailles Administrative Court of Appeal recognised that a company was entitled to assess the basis for computation of the technical loss
The Paris Administrative Court considers, by its settled and recently reiterated case law (CAA Paris 16-2-2017 no. 15PA01239, Sté Vanves Solferino) that an assessment notice sent to a French translucent
In a decision dated 28 July 2017 (CE n°411269), the French Supreme Court ruled not to refer to the French Constitutional Council the priority constitutionality question (“QPC”) brought by Société
Emmanuel Macron, President of the French Republic, intents to turn the actual wealth tax system into a “tax on real estate annuity” as stated. Real estate is indeed taking over an
In a case dated 18 April 2017, the Administrative Court of Appeal of Paris reminded that, for the purposes of the annual tax on offices, commercial and storage premises provided