Subject to possible censure by the French Constitutional Council, Article 25 bis of the 2025 Finance Law introduces a new taxation regime applicable to gains made by employees and directors

French Finance Act 2025: Tax and Social Reform of Management Packages
Brexit FAQs updated
This article was first published on Tax@Hand, and is reproduced on this blog with the authorization of its authors. The French Tax Authorities (FTA) updated on 14 January 2022 their FAQs (in
Certain trust tax provisions amended by 2022 financial law
France’s 2022 Financial Law, enacted on 31 December 2021, provides that the settlor or deemed settlor (beneficiary) of a trust is presumed to satisfy the 10% holding requirement of article
The French tax authorities have published new Trust forms
Following the transposition of the European Directive 2015/849 on anti-money laundering and terrorist financing in France by the Ordonnance of February 12th, 2020, Article 1649 AB of the French Tax
Trusts – Your year-end “To Do List”
Trusts are still high priority for French tax authorities as evidenced by the recent publication of the Decree related to the Ordonnance published on February 12, 2020. As year-end is
Gifts up to EUR 100,000 temporarily exempted from tax
Version originale via de Tax@Hand On 24 September 2020, the French Tax Authority published the tax form needed to declare manual gifts (Cerfa n° 2035) and, notably, cash gifts up
Trust update: Extension of the Trustees reporting obligations… again
A new ordonnance transposing European directive on anti-money laundering regulations has extended the scope of the trust reporting obligation. « Business relationships » with France is a new criterion that
Financial Services Reward Update – CRD V and CRR II
On 7 June 2019, the amended Capital Requirements Directive (CRD V) and Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR II) were published in the Official Journal of the European Union. The legislation will
Tax domicile in France of French major companies’ corporate executives
The French draft Finance Bill for 2020, submitted on Friday 27 September to the French Council of Ministers, confirms the government’s wish to tax the executives of companies in France.
European Union Prospectus Regulation for non EU issuers
Don’t forget… The European Union Prospectus Regulation 2017/1129 (EUPR) came into effect on 21 July 2019. You can refer to our previous briefing on this here. What’s changed? Under Article