Within the European Union, several legal instruments regulate the protection of investments (MiFID II, IDD, PRIIPs, UCITS, and the AIFM Directive). While this legal framework aims to harmonize standards and

Retail Investment Strategy (“RIS”): Reconciling Investor Protection and Intermediary Remuneration
Boosting the Paris financial center’s attractivity by diversifying and simplifying formalities for business financing
After 3 months of parliamentary debates, law no. 2024-537 aimed at increasing business financing and France’s attractiveness as a financial center was adopted on June 13, 2024 (the “Attractiveness Law”).
The Ordinance on Credit Servicers and Purchasers introduces a new regulated profession at the service of banks and borrowers
For credit institutions, the management and restructuring of their non-performing loans (“NPLs”) and the possibility to sell these NPLs are essential to preserve financial stability, by reducing their balance sheets

Green Industry Law offers new opportunities in terms of savings and retirement savings plans
French Law No. 2023-973 of 23 October 2023 on the green industry (the “Law”) has been published in the Official Journal of the French Republic No. 0247 of 24 October
Real estate portfolio management companies: repressive themes and priority areas for supervision and control
Given the dynamism of the sector (both in terms of the creation of portfolio management companies and real estate investment funds), real estate asset managers are the logical focus of