Finally and further to more than nine months of negotiations, the United Kingdom and the European Union have reached on December 24th, 2020 an agreement regarding their relationships post-Brexit, entitled
Brexit Agreement & Social security: the European touch
FAQ – What does Brexit mean for social security?
The United Kingdom pulling out of the European Union (EU) has created uncertainty about the social security regime applicable to employees and self-employed workers in cross-borders situations, whether on secondment
Brexit and Social Security : what happens to posted and multi-state workers?
Brexit raises many questions about posted and multi-state workers’ social security, given such situations are governed by EU regulations. What is the impact of Brexit on posted and multi-state workers’
Coronavirus and Social Security: removal of the waiting period for French expatriates
Coronavirus and social security coverage: Abolition of the waiting period for French expatriates returning to France between 1 March 2020 and 1 June 2020 as part of their affiliation to
Home country working for cross borders workers and multiple countries activity: EU Social Security Regulation & Covid-19
Due to the current coronavirus epidemic and the domestic provisons implemented by each European countries, many European mobile workers are forced by the authorities of their country of residence to
A recent law reinforces regulations on seconded employees (PWD)
The so-called “Professional Future” law, promulgated on September 5, continues the fight against illegal work and increases the penalties for transnational posting of workers. At the same time, it offers
The new law on “controlled immigration” improves the reception of international talent, but makes intra-group mobility stricter
The law on “controlled immigration, effective right of asylum and successful integration” of 10 September 2018 was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on 11 September 2018.