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ZOOM on case law Cass. Soc. N°14-24.244 dated 25 November 2015

In this decision, an Air France chief purser who had a panic attack in 2006 claimed that his employer failed in his security requirements following the 11 September 2001 attacks which he had witnessed.
The French Supreme Court considered that « the employer justifying that he took all measures provided by articles L.4121-1 and L.4121-2 of the French Labor Code does not breach the legal obligation under which he must take all necessary measures in order to ensure security and protect the employees’ physical and mental health ».

By this decision of principle, the French Supreme Court narrows the scope of the employer’s security obligation, which was previously an obligation to achieve a result. The employer can now avoid liability by demonstrating that he took all necessary measures in order to ensure security and protect the employees’ physical and mental health. It is therefore more than ever necessary and useful to take actions aiming at preventing professional risks, as well as information and training actions notably.

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