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Covid-19 : the reduced VAT rate of 5.5% is now applicable to supplies and intra-Community acquisitions of certain protective equipment and personal hygiene products.

The government is adjusting the VAT rules in order to try to limit the sale price of certain equipment and personal hygiene products essential in the fight against Covid-19 virus. VAT should recover its social and economic role here.

Thus, the Amending Finance Bill for 2020 published on 26 April 2020 provides for a temporary application of the reduced VAT rate of 5.5% (provided for by Article 278-0 bis, K bis and K ter of the French tax code), instead of the VAT rate of 20%, to supplies and intra-Community acquisitions of the following products:

The reduced VAT rate will be applicable until 31 December 2021.

As the effective dates are retroactive, taxable persons will have to draw the consequences at their level.

This measure, which completes the VAT measures already put in place to deal with this health crisis, is welcomed.

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