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Coronavirus: don’t forget to answer the Chinese Customs survey!

At the beginning of each year, Chinese Customs launch an annual tax policy survey, which aims to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of import and export policy, to collect and reflect the policy needs of the industry, and to assist decision-making at the macro level.

In view of the impact of the new COVID19 epidemic on the economic and business environment as well as on the trade situation between China and the United States, it’s particularly important that companies participate in research and actively express reasonable demands.

The companies willing to participate in the Tax Survey 2020 must submit proposals and reports in accordance with the timetable published by the customs authorities. As a general rule, the relevant recommendations and reports can be submitted in March or April.

If you import / export from /to China and that you are interested by this lobbying action, we will be happy to arrange a call with our local teams.

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