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The French Government reinforce the rights of contributors… and those of the Urssaf!

The ordinance dated July 8, 2016 relative to the reinforcement of the rights of contributors was published in the Official Journal of the French Republic on July 10, 2016. This ordinance strengthens contributors’ rights, notably by requiring justifications for exchanges between the Urssaf and companies and by codifying the established practices and relevant jurisprudence. However, the public administration has not forgotten to reinforce the rights of the Urssaf as well.

Reinforcement of the rights of contributors

Which practices and relevant jurisprudence have been codified?

What are the “real” improvements resulting from the ordinance?

Reinforcement of the rights of the Urssaf

Facilitating inspections:

Securing the inspection procedure:

Companies may from now on be condemned to pay a fine in the case of an obligation to pay deemed abusive or dilatory.

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