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Tax incentives for research and innovation in France and worldwide


In a few years, the system of private research funding in France has shifted from a system dominated by subsidies (80% subsidies, 20% taxation in 2000) to a tax incentive system in 2015 (opposite proportions).

The French research tax credit (RTC) system is now well established in France and is the subject of major debates and annual evaluations, given its cost (€ 5.6 billion). While many studies have demonstrated its effectiveness, this key instrument for the competitiveness and attractiveness of the French territory is today heavily challenged by many countries.

Countries with tax incentives for R & D (Deloitte) 


Developing and justifying an incentive system is complex: it must be tailored to each country’s economy, industry and tax system. The European Commission’s latest proposal on the CCCTB (Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base) includes a European “super-deduction” for innovation and research, which demonstrates the importance of tax incentives to support private R&D activities.

Global overview of aid systems

Most countries implement tax incentives and subsidies, with varying allocations and modalities:

Volume and distribution of incentives for R&D (OECD study)


There are several categories:

In view of the first 5 countries of the above classification, it is clear that diametrically different options are used: even within the same geographical area (the United States, Canada or Europe), the options are also radically opposed, reflecting as many national particularities.

Everything is then a question of degree and national strategy, deployed on 3 axes:


There is no magic formula nor universal remedy for innovation and growth, and each country has developed its own strategy according to its history, economy, structure and population.

The French scheme is nowadays a relevant system in view of the very high level of taxation, global economic stagnation and industrial regression observed for more than 15 years.

Deloitte’s annual study outlines these different variants for all countries in the world, and gives companies the opportunity to improve the effectiveness of their financing, based on their existing and future presence, and assisted by local experts.

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