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State aid and COVID-19: authorization of an aid scheme to support investment towards a sustainable recovery

In line with support measures for companies initiated during the COVID-19 pandemic by public authorities, the European Commission has just opened new support possibilities for France up to €7 billion. The framework for public support for companies adopted by the European Commission to avoid any distortion of competition within the European Union was relaxed in March 2020 to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic through a temporary framework regime.

An incentive scheme for industrial companies

On this basis, the European Commission has just opened new financing opportunities for industrial companies by authorizing a new aid scheme to support investment towards a sustainable recovery to support the energy transition and environmental protection (SA. 102077).

From April 21st, 2022 until December 31st, 2022, any type of company (with the exception of the financial sector, primary agricultural production and fishery and aquaculture products) carrying out industrial activities may receive financial support for the acquisition of tangible and intangible assets dedicated to industrial, sanitation or waste management projects. The purchase of land can also be financed if it is part of an investment for production of goods. Financial investments are ineligible.

The maximum aid rates applicable are the following:

This aid may take the form of grants, repayable advances, loans or guarantees and will be granted mainly through the national plan “France 2030” and its calls for projects. They may be combined with other public support under certain conditions.

An anticipated and already operational measure

Several calls for projects aimed to finance this type of investment are already open under the “France 2030” investment plan, in particular to support the production of offers of decarbonization solutions for manufacturers or renewable energy offers, the installation of plastics recycling, the projects to diversify subcontractors in the automotive sector, the implementation of pilot and/or first plant sites, increases in production capacities in the field of health or investments to increase the independence of the France critical metals.

Other calls for projects under this new regime are being drafted and should be published soon to support new development opportunities for companies.

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