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Significant changes to french trust reporting obligations

In 2019, significant changes occurred regarding French trust reporting obligations.
By way of update, a decree of application regarding the scope of French trust reporting has been published on June 13th, 2019. The French tax authorities has published the new trust forms after the deadline of June 15th and has exceptionally postponed the deadline for the annual trust return to July 1st, 2019.

Extension of the scope of the trust reporting obligation by 2019 Finance Act

The scope of the trust reporting obligation is clarified to include both:

Under article 1649 AB of the French Tax Code, the trustee must report:

For non-French tax residents, a renewed assessment of the situs of the assets is therefore required since guidelines have changed.

Latest news on trust reporting requirements:

No comments on trust reporting obligation in the New French Tax Administration Official Guidelines:

Following the replacement of the Wealth Tax by the Real Estate Wealth Tax, the French Tax administration retracted its official guidelines on the Wealth Tax (which included comments for trust reporting purposes) and published new official guidelines on the Real Estate Wealth Tax.

However, while the former Wealth Tax official guidelines included reporting exemptions and tolerances for trust reporting purposes, the new Real Estate Wealth Tax official guidelines do not include comments on trust reporting obligations.

Therefore, the following reporting exemptions and tolerances may potentially no longer apply:

The decree of application being published we will be monitoring any update or clarification from the French Tax administration official guidelines on the Wealth Tax.

In this context, we remain at your disposal to proceed with an updated assessment of the scope of the trust reporting obligation in order to ensure compliance with French Law and avoid penalties (20 000 EUR per non-filed trust return, 1.5% sui generis tax, non-reporting penalty equal to 80% of the amount of avoided tax, late-payment interest).


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