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Integrating sustainability in investment firms’ operating conditions, operational requirements and product governance

As a result of the transposition of Delegated Directive (EU) 2021/1269 by the Order of 25 July 2022,  investment firms (and credit institutions providing investment services) will be required to take sustainability factors and sustainability-related objectives in product governance requirements into account, as of 22 November 2022.

Product governance obligations have been one of the most important evolutions introduced by MiFID 2 in terms of investor protection. Thus, since 2018, investment service providers have had to pay greater attention to the entire product distribution process, from their design to their distribution to the end client. In addition, the exchange of information between producers and distributors has also been strengthened.

This new product governance obligation stems from the European Commission’s Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, dated March 2018. This Action Plan aims, in particular, at redirecting capital flows towards sustainable investments with a view to achieving sustainable and inclusive growth. Indeed, the European Commission considers it necessary for relevant stakeholders to take into account sustainability factors and sustainability objectives, as part of their product governance requirements. This objective was included in the European Green Deal presented in December 2019 by the European Commission. The mobilization of the financial sector requires new rules for investors to consider the sustainability of investments to avoid stranded assets and promote finance for a sustainable economy.

In concrete terms, and as of 22 November 2022, investment firms will be required, for each financial instrument they produce and distribute to:

This new product governance obligation is part of a broader context, also stemming from the European Commission’s Action Plan and Green Deal’s aim to integrate sustainability factors, risks and preferences into certain organizational requirements and operating conditions applicable to investment firms (obligations applicable since 2 August 2022).

Such obligations have had an impact on, inter alia, the following elements of investment firms’ internal arrangements:

These series of bonds, with close entry into force dates (August and November 2022), are expected to contribute to enhancing the transparency of financial instruments markets in the European Union, for the benefit of clients of investment services providers. The European Commission’s challenge is to boost demand for financial instruments that direct investments towards everything sustainable.

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