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Advice on the preparation of the Research Tax Credit justification file from the R&D Tax Credit guide (2017 edition released in April)

Every year, the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) publishes an R&D Tax Credit guide for educational purposes. This guide does not have any legal or regulatory value and is not enforceable against the administration. The objective is to help companies in tax credit related procedures whilst outlining the rules of RTC application, securing procedures and related audits, as well as explaining the R&D projects eligibility criteria and detailing the qualifying expenses.

The 2017 edition of the R&D Tax Credit guide, now available on the Ministry’s website, is in line with the precedent version of 2016, the main updates being related to recent administrative guidelines issued by the French Tax authorities on staff expenditures and being the occasion, welcomed, to align the wording of the guide with the wording of the administrative guidelines.

Hereby an overview of some of the new updates:

The stability of the 2017 guide and its continuity with the 2016th edition is very welcomed as it helps companies understand more clearly RTC rules.

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