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2018 RTC Guide: towards more clarifications, in particular regarding the identification of the scope of eligible R&D activities

As a reminder, this guide, which does not have any legal or regulatory value (and is not enforceable against the administration) is intended to help companies in their Research tax credit (RTC) related procedures, whilst outlining the rules of RTC application, securing procedures and related audits, as well as explaining the R&D projects eligibility criteria and detailing the qualifying expenses.

The 2018 edition of the Research tax credit guide, available since August 29th on the MESRI website, is now refocused on Research and Development activities, with an interesting reworking of the description of the methodology to identify eligible activities, especially:

Figure 1 – Graph showing R&D operations in different commercial projects

Source: MESRI

Finally, the paragraphs related to the certification process for external providers/subcontractors, the securing and the remedy procedures have been detailed, bringing more clarity to companies on those procedures.

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